07 February 2008

December '07 - A Moving Christmas

What a Merry Christmas at the Ozburn house! We enjoyed having a new little treasure, Anna Brooks, and Carter became more acquainted with Santa. Speaking of Santa, Carter can now play his guitar and cook some avacados at his kitchen. Thanks Santa!

We concluded the Ozburn Family Christmas World Tour after our 7th event in 4 days with a day an the farm and an evening at the Hardings. The Farm was fantastic, great brunch, great family, minimal gifts, it was the best farm Christmas in years. The Hardings was great as well, a home filled with love, compassion and laughter.

Us: "What do the angels say, buddy?"

Carter: "Glory to God in the highest!"

Then, with AB nursing her first ear infection, we moved into our new house a few days after Christmas. A tough few days, but we really do enjoy our new home, and Carter even says how great his new room is, and how much he loves our new house. Terrific confirmation of many many prayers, thank you, Father!

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