26 May 2009

Beach Trip - Day 3

Before any Day 3 photos, Natalie reminded me about a funny exchange our children had int he back of the car the other night. We had finished dinner and were on our way to the Royal Scoop, and the children were using their voices in a very spirited way in the back seat. Finally, Natalie and I had just about enough, and we said, "Guys, you are not speaking love to each other. If you keep it up, we will just go home to bed and not go to the Royal Scoop."
After a second...

Carter: "I love you, Sissy!"

AB: "tank you, Car Car!"

What little angels!

Our new baby stroller ("baby da-daoh") from Target! And now the many faces of Anna B:

The Charmer...


And the classic Anna B face (as Monya calls it, "the Drop Dead Face")...

We've taken this same photo of Carter every year on the porch at the beach, and I cannot believe how big he has gotten!

Carter imitating the Anna B face...

Now that Carter knows I will take any picture of any face that he makes, he loves to make a "silly face" and then see it on the camera screen.

When I went to get Carter from his room from rest-time today, he was making karate punches and kicks in the closet mirror in his room. And he had covered his arms and legs in stickers...

By far, Carter's favorite activity at the beach is diving for torpedoes in the pool. Once he discovered that he could dive and get them by himself, and that he could stand in the shallow end (I again cannot get over how big he has gotten!), we can hardly get him out of the pool!

Anna B loves findy "pitty" shells on the beach...

And Carter buried his feet in the sand...

And then our little camera died (arrgggghhh!), so we went to the spare to take a photo of family movie night with Sleeping Beauty. A prince slays a dragon to save his beauty, what a story!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the close-up shots of Anna Brooks! They look professional!