17 February 2009


For some time now, I have been cataloguing funny things that Carter says so here is a little summary along with some background.

- Halloween: "Here come the Treaters!"

- About our precious little babysitter: "Hey, Ms. Autumn-man"

- "Pastor Larry has a chocolate mustache!"

- "I'm so fust-e-ated!"

- "But carrots make me follow-up."

- "Luke Skywalker is in the Bible."

- "A few weeks backwards..."

- "Sit up, sit up, sit up... always, sit up."

Here's our favorite alter-ego Batman (or as Anna B says "Backey"). We're all about super-heroes now.

Here's one our our favorite pasttimes these days: jumping on Daddy! with our knees into his tummy! Good times!

Old picture of Carter at Farm Day at St B's with a snake!

We had a great time at Father's Day a couple of weeks ago at St. B's. Carter and I got to eat tacos together, he got to spread shaving cream on my face and then "shave" it off. I don't know who loved that time more, he or I? Also below are some comments he made about his Daddy. I will treasure this forever.

He's growing up so fast these days. He's dressing himself, washing his hands without prompting, clearing the table without asking, putting dirty clothes and his shoes away, and even zipping up his coats "all by himself". I'm so proud of the little boy that he is growing into. This is so rewarding since we have prayed for his confidence and his independence since very early. Again, why does God's faithfulness suprise me each time?


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Wow carter is already dressing himself. It took me almost 16 years to do that.
-Lil bro